Innocent Blood

This has been on my heart for a while now. Over the year think I have been really jolted into the reality of how brutal it is to kill the innocent in the womb. I have been trying to avoid speaking on the issue, but alas I will speak.

Below is a graphic and sad picture of what many babies face when they are aborted.


In the OT, many nations were cut off because they sacrificed and burned their children to false gods. Today, many have raised “choice” and “situation” as reason to abort the child in the womb. I believe it grieves God greatly.

With the win of Donald Trump, and his promise to elect justices that will rule against abortion, I believe we have made a turn for good. Had we selected the alternative, who knows, maybe we would have been like past nations, been cut off too.

So yes, the election was about the Supreme Court because in it shapes the direction of the nation.

The image is indeed graphic. But selected for a reason. In the Bible described an account (Judges 19) where a woman was gang raped. She was found dead at the threshold of her home. Her master, grieved by what had happened to his concubine, cut her lifeless body into 12 pieces and mailed them to the leaders to show the kind of evil that happened in the land. I am sure the graphic body parts caught the attention of those leaders. In the same respect, I hope that the image catches your attention to grieve for the life of the innocent.

“Did not He who made me in the womb make them? Did not the same one form us both within our mothers?” – Job 31:15

If God gave that life, we do not have the right to take it away.

I would have to say that freedom is not the right to do whatever we want, but the right to choose what we ought. If we do whatever we want and end up breaking the law of the land, in the natural we end up in jail. In the spiritual, die in such a state of sin and we go to an eternal prison separated from Jesus.

It is my hope that we will turn from the idea that it is okay to kill the innocent in the womb.

Finally, may the Lord grant Donald Trump and Mike Pence all wisdom, health and protection to lead the great nation of the United States and in turn, may those who do not yet know the Lord Jesus, turn to Him for the forgiveness of sins and life eternal. Amen.


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