“Don’t Laugh At Him”

I was watching this video the other day and I laughed. I don’t believe I was laughing at him, but how he was talking. I then heard a voice “don’t laugh at him”. I knew immediately that this was God by the nature of delivery of the message. It didn’t come to my head, but my heart. “Still small voice”, audible, but still not audible. God, who reads hearts, knew the condition of my heart when I laughed. I felt immediately convicted and repented.

People will say that Democrats and Republicans are cut from the same cloth. Perhaps so as human beings are the author of the parties. Yes, God used a baby killing Pharaoh to show forth His power. Yet, that was the situation the people were already in. On the other hand, if we have the choice to choose religious freedom over barbaric acts of baby killing, and sexual perversion, why are we throwing up our hands, saying “God is in control” and not playing whatever part we need to play in the body of Christ?

I am deeply saddened and discouraged by the division in the body of Christ concerning things that are clearly written in the Word as wrong. All because we have chosen to look at external appearances. No choice, I believe, is a choice. I am saddened that some leaders of churches have not noticed in their spirit the urgency of what’s happening. And I don’t mean fret. Anyhow, is it because we are divided in our hearts among ourselves within our walls, so we are not in tune to what’s about to come against the church and ultimately the dissemination of the Gospel? Or is it a much greater spiritual issue? God knows. I know however, I am not alone in my thinking. And while that doesn’t mean my thinking is factual, it doesn’t mean false either. I saw this written by a faith leader, and I tend towards agreement with what he is saying, though the rebuke sounds quite harsh.

Let me be clear, I do not mean tell people who to vote for, but leaders I believe have a responsibility to the people to point out what the Word of God says and point people to the platform that more closely aligns to His Word. Ultimately, people have been warned and they choose what they choose in the end. Hopefully, those people don’t complain when curses fall on the land due to sin running rampant which was legalized by their choices. If as individuals we cannot do anything physically, we as the church can always do something spiritually (1 Thessalonians 5:17). It’s called praying. I pray that all evil altars set up deep in the political fabric of the US will continue to be exposed. That there will be repentance and revival will overtake the land. And all the wealth that nation has stored up will be further used to advance the Kingdom of God. Maybe like Sodom, she has gone too far, I don’t believe that, but let me leave that there for those who do. Yet, didn’t Abraham still intercede for the people?

I believe people need to be careful with what they hear (1 John 4:1). Even coming from those they trust. I am now convinced that the main stream news is on an anti-God agenda. It’s a form of state programming that we find in communist nations like North Korea, with the mother of communism being China. I believe that people’s minds are being targeted by this form of “polite” indoctrination, having an appearance of light but denying the power of God. I believe the same spirits that promote the violence and perversion in many of the Hollywood films and music industry are also behind main stream news outlets like CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and many more. It’s sad, who can we trust? We can trust God. We hear something, we ought to pray about it and align it with what we read in the Word of God. Seems obvious, but actually hard to do. We are being bombarded with information. We come from different cultures and our experiences shape how we view things. When I pray about unsettling issues, I ask “God am I wrong, what am I missing?” Without even looking, He quickly sends a message on the very question I was pondering. God doesn’t want us wandering in confusion. That’s not His style. When we put aside our own wants, and keep open to God’s agenda and correction, we get answers, clear ones.

Yes, the Lord Jesus absolutely is in control. And He gives us choices. The debate among churches when it comes to God’s sovereignty and free will is unsettling (1 Timothy 1:4). The two can exist just fine. Anyhow, we shall without a doubt reap what we sow. Let’s not grow weary of doing good. Be blessed!

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