Surely “we know”! We have lived so many years!

It would be inconsistent of me as a Bible believing Christian to stand against any nation for war to which I do not fully comprehend when in the Bible Israel invaded many nations as judgement against pagan leadership or Israel was invaded by pagan kings as judgement against their idolatry and disobedience. I have learned the very hard way that there is only one who is omniscient, the I AM. The media is currently making a certain leader look like the enemy. Maybe he is, maybe not. But given the media’s track record for truth, I beg to ask what’s the motive?

I am more inclined to say however, it is vanity to force to know with certainty. Pray for all nations and leaders, especially the one where you reside, for as we can see, corruption always leads to war. If our country reeks with corrupt leaders, then such is the cup that we shall drink from unless the Lord shows us even more mercy.

I would like to end with this:

“Surely you know, for you were already born! You have lived so many years!” Job 38:21