


Struggle. We all have our seasons. If you’re a believer in Christ and find yourself discouraged remember that you’re not alone. There are several reasons why we each find ourselves in this place:

1. Sometimes it is actually not anything we have done wrong. The devil came after even Jesus, surely he will come after followers of Jesus. In these times, we just need to speak the Word against whatever accusations the enemy is speaking out against us.

2. Sometimes we are doing all sorts of things for God (taking care of others/ministry), but not taking timeout to be with God Himself. Martha, Martha, go sit at the feet of Jesus.

3. The pressures of life get to us. We worry, we fear and we want to walk by sight, as the unknown plunders away at our faith. In these times, we need to look back at the character of God. Check out His miracles (up to what He is doing today), study His universe. Think about it, God spoke great balls of fire into existence! On a personal level He heals sickness, warns us of danger etc; His mighty works are too numerous to mention. We need to remember that when we have Jesus in our boat we have nothing to worry about.

4. Sometimes we are engaged in activities, like listening to certain kinds music, watching certain movies etc that may be permissible but not beneficial. What we deposit is what we are able to withdraw. Put that stuff down and return to a heart of worship.

5. And sometimes, we are just in plain sin. If it is habitual, encourage us to speak to at-least one mature believer in Christ about it. When we shed light on what we do in the dark, the enemy loses that foothold of strength he has in darkness.
Regardless the reason, God is faithful, He cares and will complete the good work He begun in us. Living for Christ is a daily thing. Yesterday’s manna is yesterday’s manna. Not because we prayed 15 minutes yesterday means we can run on yesterday’s prayer.
Anyhow, let’s pray for one another and cover one another. 🙂

“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” – James 5:16

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