by Johnny Enlow
Though I am often called Prophet by others, my primary gift is apostolic. My prophetic gift supports that gift but is not my primary. Without further explanation, I want to speak out of that apostolic perspective on the matter of this election and what the prophets in some kind of consensus spoke. To remind all, there has never been such a prophetic agreement on a matter and this includes many prophetic voices from especially Australia and Africa— but really the whole world. It is not “ironic” or “coincidental” that beginning in the year 2020, where prophetically “the decade of the mouth” was highlighted (associated with understanding the Hebrew calendar 5780-5789), that the whole world becomes wrongfully masked, churches are forced to shut down as non-essential and the prophetically consensus passage of the year was 2 Chronicles 20:20— where hearkening to His prophets to prosper, while overcoming an invading enemy of staggering proportions is the theme. Beginning January 20, 2021 the Jezebel spirit resident in the Body of Christ began attacking the prophetic in an unprecedented fashion with some of the most inane statements imaginable coming from even significant leaders. They will have their own consequences and “learning curve” with God and I will just leave it at that. Meanwhile, please read below.
The anti-prophet insanity is aggravated by the reality that this last election and the present process doesn’t even require prophets to get it right. God in His kindness has spoken through them anyway— BUT YOU DIDN’T NEED THIS, IF YOU USED ANY DISCERNMENT AT ALL. YOU STILL DON’T IF YOU WILL USE YOUR SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT.
Next, I am going to give you truth from 3 points that continue to make it obvious how you are to respond to election matters and it is for sure NOT about giving your strength to attacking/correcting the prophets or the prophetic. What a pawn of darkness if you remain in that mode.
You may have not appreciated our president’s tweets or confrontational style but if you stick to sheer legislative matters we have never had a more righteous leader. He is not someone who just did the pro-life talk but he actually marched with the pro-lifers ( a first for a POTUS), brought in 3 pro-life Supreme Court Justices, hundreds of other judges, amended every legal thing he could towards that end including defunding the evil-operated Planned Parenthood organization.
He also became the most pro-Israel president on record and did the incredibly courageous thing of recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, as well as multiple other mini-maneuvers that strengthened their capability to defend themselves. He also was the engine behind the unprecedented “Abrahamic Accords” that occurred right in the midst of the “hit jobs” on him of the deep state through the virus and through the related attempts on the global economy.
He also became a world hero for believers around the world with his pro-religious freedom stands. You have no idea how large this matter looms as Christians around the world are now in fear of what it means that he is not yet visibly in power.
DJT advanced in taking on sex trafficking, human trafficking and routing the drug trade as no president in history. Even the released “official” numbers of those rescued is at 10 times the best of any other presidency, but real numbers will come out that exponentially dwarf those numbers.
His pro-economic freedom for us and the nations was also unprecedented, all the while holding off the deep state from killing the world economy. The truth of this goes far beyond the record unemployment numbers, record Wall Street numbers, record employment for blacks and really all minorities— but those numbers at least speak into it as well.
For times sake, I won’t go into about 10 more significant legal acts, emergency orders and otherwise just or righteous moves that he made. If you are a believer and you do not see that DJT was and is a gift from God for us you are beyond deaf and blind and fall in the category of brainwashed and programmed. Of course, NONE who are such know they are, but only await the day the bucket of cold water is thrown in their face. It did not nor does it require a prophetic word to know he was God sent and that he is not done, and if not, seeing the good he did could get literally undone in a matter of months.
Now beyond the above point, there is the matter that never in world history have so many millions believed, prayed, repented, marched or otherwise contended not for a cult-personality but for a man who represented Justice, Life, Freedom, Prosperity, Patriotism and general godliness. The sheer numbers involved in this push for good is staggering going beyond 100 million at a national level and approaching that number on the international level as entire Christian populations such as of China, and of Iran fasted and prayed for our president to return to power that they might hope to see a day of greater freedom. THERE WAS NO LACK OF PRAYER AND REPENTANCE and that lie needs to stop being peddled. If desperately wicked Sodom and Gomorrah would be spared for 10 righteous even in Old Testament times where is the logic for tens of millions and perhaps hundreds of millions being ignored!!! STOP BLAMING PROPHETS FOR AGREEING WITH THIS!!
If the above two points were not enough to convince that YOU DIDN’T NEED PROPHETS for this one then consider the “new administration” of JB. When Kim Clement prophesied of “two presidents” and called one a “double-minded” man, not sure but that he might have been seeing that he was in fact a “double” as neither his face features, his walk, or his signature match from past years and POTUS himself was pointing that out to us for some reason. For those believers who voted for JB please go see his executive orders, his family corruption, his being bought by China and his involvement in the most blatant and criminal electoral fraud in world history and tell me why was it alright for you to partner with raw evil in this fashion? There is a difference in being imperfect as DJT was and is and being an enabler and direct participant of the most nefarious level of evil imaginable. DJT reportedly lost up to two billion dollars of his net worth by accepting the presidency and J.B. seems to have gained at least that from Communist Party sources from China. DOES IT TAKE A PROPHETIC VOICE to know what is right here? And you want prophets that hang on to what God has said — never mind the Holy Spirit-sense to JB being out and DJT being in, to apologize because evil seems presently to still have a hold?!!! You are either a blind guide as Jesus called the Pharisees or projecting on to the prophets your present disappointment with God. Snap out of it!
Admittedly, you will sense a significant degree of righteous indignation in my post that does not always tend towards reconciliatory interaction. However, I am here going to attempt to shift from apostolic corrective mode to brotherly entreating of you who bash the prophets to properly funnel your anger and disappointment into what is beneficial. I won’t even ask you to believe the prophets. We already lost you there. How about just believe in a God who champions Life, Liberty, Justice and Freedom. How about believe in a God who does hear the prayers and cries of His saints and is still willing to move— even when it seems too late. Is that not His essential trademark? He doesn’t rescue Israel until Pharaoh is so on their heels that Israel turns on their Prophet Moses— and says “Why did you ever make us hope?”. People not willing to be honest with God turn on the prophet who fed their hopes. Sound familiar? He didn’t heal Lazarus when He could so that He might resurrect Lazarus. He had Elisha and Elijah both resurrect promised children— rather than just keeping them from dying. Jairus’ daughter was not “healed” until she was dead. And so forth and so on. If January 20 was a “death” day for you how about getting back into the saddle of faith in a good God who is always still at work no matter what the date is?
How about believing in a God who doesn’t just wink at massive fraud, corruption and criminality in a voting process? God doesn’t always say “obey governmental authority”. Our nation would NEVER have been formed if that had been followed. In Acts the apostles were clear “we are going to obey God not man” even if they faced death. Daniel and the three Hebrew children were not just going to bow. Mordecai would NOT bow to Haman— though he was “government” to him. Even if you don’t believe in prophets this present fake, evil and unsanctioned by God administration is to be resisted at minimum in every spiritual and verbal and voting way possible.
If you can’t believe with the FAITHful that God still has a Cyrus that is not yet finished— and behind the scenes being positioned for the next part of his assignment— then at minimum turn your fury away from the FAITHful and target Satan and his evil destructive agenda for USA and the nations. STOP CONGRATULATING JB!!! Rescind any congratulations you have previously given! It is personally way more serious TO YOU than you know. You cannot congratulate blatant evil! Wake up!! The LEAST important matter presently on the planet is “prophetic accountability” and you are allowing yourself to be tool of the enemy if you don’t see it. Can you not see the “bigger fish to fry”? Can you get back into contending for your nation and save the bashing of prophets still contending for your nation— for a day when your very nation’s free existence is no longer at stake? If the ground around you unexplainably shakes know that God is pointedly giving you a sign to heed this message.