Why did God “not tell us” about Covid?

Disclaimer: This article contains some speculation for thinking purposes and in order to help us rightly divide the Scripture if a certain case were true. Ultimately, Deuteronomy 29:29 and Proverbs 3:5-6.

I once heard a pastor while preaching ask something like if there are all these prophets, why didn’t any of them forecast the onslaught of COVID?

I guess he was having some trouble with all the YouTube prophets etc prophesying this and that, blessings and riches and easily spoken prophesies and none of tidings of hardship. And to an extent he is absolutely correct. Because we see in the Bible … Read moreWhy did God “not tell us” about Covid?


by Johnny Enlow

Though I am often called Prophet by others, my primary gift is apostolic. My prophetic gift supports that gift but is not my primary. Without further explanation, I want to speak out of that apostolic perspective on the matter of this election and what the prophets in some kind of consensus spoke. To remind all, there has never been such a prophetic agreement on a matter and this includes many prophetic voices from especially Australia and Africa— but really the whole world. It is not “ironic” or “coincidental” that beginning in the year 2020, where prophetically “the decade … Read moreAN APOSTOLIC REBUKE AND ENTREATY FOR THOSE BLAMING THE PROPHETS

Historically Accurate

The Bible is historically accurate. Since the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, historians were able to compare Biblical writings of what we have today with that of the manuscripts found. The scrolls prove that the Bible have been extraordinarily preserved.
Contrary to the teaching of a certain religious ideology whose scriptures were written after the Bible, Jesus was certainly crucified and not evicted from the cross as their scriptures would like to claim.
To be unbiased in judgement on the Bible’s credibility means applying the same rules of acceptance as one would for other historical topics. To dismiss the Bible based on … Read moreHistorically Accurate