Disclaimer: This article contains some speculation for thinking purposes and in order to help us rightly divide the Scripture if a certain case were true. Ultimately, Deuteronomy 29:29 and Proverbs 3:5-6.
I once heard a pastor while preaching ask something like if there are all these prophets, why didn’t any of them forecast the onslaught of COVID?
I guess he was having some trouble with all the YouTube prophets etc prophesying this and that, blessings and riches and easily spoken prophesies and none of tidings of hardship. And to an extent he is absolutely correct. Because we see in the Bible the prophets of God didn’t always come with “all is well” tidings. Some were of impending judgement.
So this brings us back to the question, why didn’t God tell us about COVID? We cannot say that He didn’t. As we have not heard from every single prophet across the globe. Yet, even if He didn’t, so what, I don’t think He was obligated to.
But certainly He would say something one might say according to Amos 3:7. “Surely the Lord GOD does nothing, Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.”
Let’s suppose that no prophet across the globe knew about COVID. Since God cannot lie, it would then mean that He God did not send COVID. Because if He truly did, then He’d tell His prophets. It would then mean that if it is not of God then it is of the enemy. And the enemy when he presents the Word of God to us, he twists it to deceive us. But he himself must actually abide by the Word (Job 1). As he is ruled by his pride, has no creativity and counterfeits all that God does in order to appear as God, he copies. The devil does forecast his intentions with his prophets. Today, these are in the entertainment industry, the news organizations and the world of much finance, health and politics. Forecasts of COVID came through the mouth of Bill Gates, 2012 London Olympics Opening and many more. Just search the internet.
I for one am more inclined to believe that a prophet of God did actually know; the prophecy maybe just didn’t hit some of our ears and to the ears it did hit, it was perhaps ignored. Lord knows. Yet even if this is all a surprise to every believer across the face of the earth, it certainly doesn’t mean that prophecy no longer is alive and well, and it definitely doesn’t mean that God is not faithful to His Word and finally, it absolutely doesn’t mean He abandoned us in these times. God is FAITHFUL and He will never leave us or forsake us.
If you are struggling to know the truth in the midst of all the confusion, just seek Jesus. Leave what you don’t understand alone or at least set aside for a bit, and enjoy the company of Jesus, through praise and prayer. We relax with Him just like we’d relax with a loved one whom we enjoy their company. You know like when you don’t feel like stressing over the things of the world but just want to hang out with someone you enjoy and talk about pleasant memories and future plans? Sort of like that with God, but more, because He’s God and He doesn’t get tired of our wanting to be with Him. By the way, not to say that we aren’t supposed to talk to God about what’s bothering us, we absolutely can, yet we can rest assured that this is not the only conversation we can have with Him, and sometimes we can just “cool out” or relax with Him, worship Him, adore Him, be silent with Him and in turn just have Him love on us. He will always strengthen those who diligently seek Him.
You may be interested in: https://jesus-themessiah.com/seek-jesus-who-is-wisdom/