Seek Jesus Who is Wisdom

That message from the White House is one of pure witchcraft. The prophets of Baal have forecasted their intent.Lots of people often use 2 Chronicles 7:13 to claim God directly sent COVID. I don’t think He did. Obviously, He allowed it because what the enemy means for evil He can turn around for good. So He is is not freaked out by any of it. The data and circumstances surrounding COVID is only of confusion. God is not the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33). God expects us to come to Him in this time. We learned from Solomon that … Read moreSeek Jesus Who is Wisdom

Why did God “not tell us” about Covid?

Disclaimer: This article contains some speculation for thinking purposes and in order to help us rightly divide the Scripture if a certain case were true. Ultimately, Deuteronomy 29:29 and Proverbs 3:5-6.

I once heard a pastor while preaching ask something like if there are all these prophets, why didn’t any of them forecast the onslaught of COVID?

I guess he was having some trouble with all the YouTube prophets etc prophesying this and that, blessings and riches and easily spoken prophesies and none of tidings of hardship. And to an extent he is absolutely correct. Because we see in the Bible … Read moreWhy did God “not tell us” about Covid?