Abortion is always on the table.

During the 2020 election, I was in some Facebook comments, and I read one person respond to another’s comment “abortion is not on the table”. As if the issue of abortion is not that important.
Actually it is. If it would only click in the minds of Christians that the blood of the innocent is to witchcraft as fuel is to an automobile. And we don’t even want to pray or engage in prolonged and deep prayer as part of our lifestyle or walk that we may counteract the darkness with the power of prayer.
But if it is one thing I … Read moreAbortion is always on the table.

Innocent Blood

This has been on my heart for a while now. Over the year think I have been really jolted into the reality of how brutal it is to kill the innocent in the womb. I have been trying to avoid speaking on the issue, but alas I will speak.
Below is a graphic and sad picture of what many babies face when they are aborted.

In the OT, many nations were cut off because they sacrificed and burned their children to false gods. Today, many have raised “choice” and “situation” as reason to abort the child in the womb. I believe it … Read moreInnocent Blood